At Honey Please, we offer Bee Removal Services throughout the Southeastern US. We do charge a fee for this service; however, phone consultations are free. We are licensed and insured to do bee removal work. Please visit our website at Honey Please Bee Removal for additional info.
Every year honeybee colonies swarm. The old queen and as many as 70% of the worker bees leave the hive searching for a new place to nest. These bees form a swarm and look for a new place to establish their colony. The bees left behind raise a new queen.
Traditionally, bees have lived in cavities of trees and hollows logs. As more and more of our lands are deforested, bees have to settle for non-traditional housing spaces. Colonies send scout bees to find a new cavity in which to live. Sometimes they settle for unsuitable places, like inside your home. Bees find the space between wall studs, floor joists, and soffit areas to be ideal for raising a colony.
Often, household pest control operators mistake bees for other pests (like yellow jackets) and spray the colony. When a colony of bees suddenly collapses, honey is left in the structure, which attracts other pests. Secondary hive pests such as small hive beetles and wax moths can also wreak havoc for homeowners. It is crucial if bees are found in your home to find a bee removal expert to remove the colony rather than trying to kill it.
For more info or to make an appointment, please call us at (912) 678-2144, or visit our bee removal website at SavannahBeeRemoval.com